We have stories.
The Mobile Medical Museum's permanent exhibit showcases over 300 years of local and world medical history, from the colonial period through the present. Collection highlights include pre-Civil War era anatomical models, early 20th century X-ray equipment, a functioning 1969 heart-lung machine, and an Emerson model iron lung from the 1930s.
The Robert Thrower Medicinal Garden highlights multicultural medicinal traditions that have survived around the world for thousands of years.
The Museum also organizes special exhibits on display in the Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery, and at various offsite locations in Mobile.

Early 20th century.

Purchased by Dr. Josiah Clark Nott in Paris for the anatomical museum at the Medical College of Alabama, 1859.

From World War II.

Water-cooled cold cathode tube, c. 1910.

Civil War-era bullet forceps and Minie (min-YAY) balls.

American Optical model 590, c. 1948.

First successful standardized test for color blindness, developed by Dr. Fithiof Holmgren of Sweden in 1879.

Mid-20th century. To prevent thumb sucking.