We have stories.
Special Exhibitions
The Mobile Medical Museum organizes special exhibitions that are on display at the museum and at sites around Mobile for a limited time only. Here is a partial listing of our recent and ongoing special exhibitions.

Alabama: Midnight Full of Stars
September 2024—January 2025
Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery, Mobile Medical Museum
Our 2024 artist-in-residence Douglas Baulos, from Birmingham, Alabama, presents a selection of mixed-media collages based on native medicinal herbs and their historical uses. This material is taken from his forthcoming book, which is supported by a grant from the Mellon Foundation. The exhibition and residency are made possible in part through the support of the Alabama State Council on the Arts.

to the bone
March—July 2024
Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery, Mobile Medical Museum
Featuring rarely seen artifacts from the Museum's collection, this exhibition presents the history of bone health diagnosis and treatment, from prehistoric times through the present. The human skeletal system is viewed in all its complexity, including its nutritional and developmental requirements and its relationships to other body systems.

Public Health, Common Good
February 2023—January 2024
Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery, Mobile Medical Museum
An exploration of how the principle of the common good drives the work of public health in the U.S., from its inception as a federal maritime quarantine program to its later branches in disease control, environmental safety, family wellness, and international health policy.

Seedlings: A History of Pediatric Care
August—December 2022
Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery, Mobile Medical Museum
This exhibition will examine the history of modern pediatric care, from its roots in nineteenth-century antipoverty campaigns to state-of-the-art technological advancements in neonatology. Featuring dozens of artifacts from our permanent collection, such as bottles and infant feeders, incubators, infant scales, and orthopedic/orthotic devices.

Different/Fit: Eugenics in Alabama, 1919-1935
September 2021—May 2022
Mary Elizabeth and Charles Bernard Rodning Gallery, Mobile Medical Museum
A collaboration with Alabama Contemporary Art Center, this exhibit commemorates the hundreds of disabled Alabamians who were stigmatized and abused during the eugenics era of the early twentieth century. It will feature commissioned art works by Merrilee Challiss, Carey Fountain and Chris Lawson. The piece will also address related issues such as neurological diversity, the mental health movement in Alabama, and marginalized identities in medical history.